ARK stands for Acts of Random Kindness.
We are on a mission to get an ARK charity box in the hands of every person and business in Clark County. Let's generate kindness through small acts of giving!
It works like this:
Get an ARK
Fill it up
Share the contents with a charity or someone in need, the choice is yours!
Develop a habit of giving
ARK charity boxes give every person the opportunity to make the world a better place through Acts of Random Kindness.
We can generate change in ourselves and in our community with the simple act of consistent giving. Keep it handy, use it daily and together we'll achieve Acts of Routine Kindness.
#KindnessGenerator #ARKforChange #FirstARK
Get an ARK
Buy one for you and some for your friends and family
We believe that when it comes to giving, you've got to start 'em young. Acts of Random Kindness begin with you, in your home with your family. Anyone, old and young can make a huge difference in our community.
Calling all scout troupes, sports teams, rotary clubs and gardening groups!! Let's do this together. Sign up your club or group to receive ARKs and start giving together. You can all exact change one coin at a time.
When employees are encouraged to get involved and take a more active role in charitable initiatives, company culture thrives. Charitable giving helps employees build respect for one another, it fosters teamwork, and deepens employee engagement.
Start a Kindness Campaign in your school or classroom. ARK motivates classroom discussions and projects about kindness. Teachers can introduce the idea of philanthropy, the non-profit work in our region and the power of each student becoming a "giver" for life.
There are three easy ways to volunteer:
1. We need social media volunteers to help spread the word about ARK.
2. Prep ARKs for distribution.
3. Volunteer to deliver ARKs in the area.
© 2019